Board of Directors
 Gregory Harris, DO
 William Lagaly, DO
Immediate Past President
 Sonbol Shahid-Salles, DO
 L. Michael Waters, DO
 Bridgett Bailey, DO
District 1 President
 Lucie Mitchell, DO District 1 Secretary-Treasurer
 Naveen Raj, DO
District 2 President
 Michael Mangonon, DO District 2 Secretary-Treasurer
 William Bostock, DO
District 3 President
 Kristie Petree, DO District 3 Secretary-Treasurer
 Matthew Shelnutt, DO
District 4 President:
 Karen Turner, DO District 4 Secretary-Treasurer:
 Melissa Broadman, DO
Ex-Officio Advisors to the Board: PCOM Georgia Student: Madison Cohen, OMS-III PCOM South Georgia Student: Destiny Sciuva, OMS-III Resident: Jordan Bradshaw, DO New Physician in Practice: Brittany Woods, DO
AOA Delegates Christian Geltz, DO, Sr. Delegate
Dianna H. Glessner, DO
Sonbol Shahid-Salles, DO
Karen Turner
AOA Alternate Delegate Gregory Harris, DO
In Addition Serving members needs are the following committees:
Archives, Awards & History
- provides an opportunity to recognize members who have made significant contributions to their profession.
- preserves important, historical papers and documents for the osteopathic medical profession in the state of Georgia.
- provides for the latest in medical education as well as information on how to maximize and improve the effectiveness of medical practice.
- scientific exhibits provide the latest in drug therapy and medical equipment.
- continuing medical education credits, so necessary to maintaining speciality certification, hospital staff privledges, medical malpractice insurance and state licensure, are essential parts of all GOMA meetings.
- currently GOMA provides two CME meetings. This meets with the AOA requirements for membership, the state requirements for licensure renewal and with most specialty society requirements to maintain specialty certification.
Ethics & Peer Review
- provides for direct doctor-to-doctor involvement in peer review.
- Provides an opportunity for involvement is a profession in the legislative process as well as increasing the membership's awareness to the legislative process.
- Provides for such benefits as an membership newsletter, practice management information, assistance with discrimination, locating a practice and or associate, patient referral, etc.
Physician Recruitment
- provides information on practice opportunities to out-of-state D.O.s and maintaines a resource list of physicians seeking information on practice opportunities in our state. Promotes practice in the state.
Public Information
- promotes initiative designed to increase the public's awareness of the osteopathic medical profession and the D.O. degree.
- develops tools necessary to successfully promote the private practice of medicine in today's petite market.
- GOMA provides for representation on a variety of important health related boards and communities in Georgia, as well as at the national AOA level. Supports members in their efforts to serve on such entities.
- Provides for Governmental Affairs representative knowledgeable and experienced in state politics and familiar with the regulatory process to represent the osteopathic medical profession in Georgia.
- Provides for continuous monitoring of the malpractice insurance market to assure the availability of reasonably priced insurance for D.O.s in Georgia.
Provides for legislated seats on the:
- Composite State Board of Medical Examiners
- Medical Care Foundation (Physicians Review Organization)
- Physician Workforce Board
As well as a Board position on the:
- Medicare Physician Advisory Committee
- Medicaid Drug Formulary Committee
- Worker's Compensation Board
- State Medical Education Board
- Council on Prescription Medication Awareness
- development of "dual-track" (D.O. and M.D. approved) family practice residency programs at major hospitals in the state
- reversal of Medicaid's prior approval requirement for OMT
- an annual proclamation signed by the governor for National Osteopathic Medical Week
Provides for a state office under the direction of an experienced executive director and staff. The state office handles such day to day tasks as:
- providing support to the Board of Trustees, the Executive Committee and various committees
- provides overall financial management
- provides expertise from years of experience in the area of meeting planning
- appropriately directing and handling all correspondence and telephone inquires
- performing such other clerical duties and responsibilities usual to such an office
The state office and executive director also act as a liaison for other state and national agencies, boards and committees and works closely with the American Osteopathic Association and its affiliates.